Virtuous cycles of learning (VCoL) and the +7 skills

VCoL+7 illustration

All of Lectica's learning tools are designed to leverage and support VCoL+7—the virtuous cycle of learning and its +7 skills. A VCoL is a repeated cycle of goal setting, information seeking, application, and reflection. Its +7 skills include reflectivity, awareness, seeking and evaluating information, making connections, applying knowledge, seeking and working with feedback, and recognizing and managing biases.

VCoLing engages the whole learner. By this, we mean that it engages learners emotionally, physically, and intellectually, leveraging both conscious and unconscious mental processes. VCoLing ensures that new knowledge is integrated into existing knowledge in a way that makes it useful and "sticky."

When people learn by VCoLing, they not only build knowledge but also nurture the dispositions and skills required for a lifetime of learning and development.

VCoLing is a practice that builds skills. Because it is a micro-practice that happens in real-time, we call the practice of VCoLing micro-VCoLing.

We teach micro-VCoLing to people in organizations of all kinds. Contact us to learn more about how we can help your organization get addicted to learning.

Short introduction

The +7 skills

All VCoLs, in addition to integrating new information and ideas into our mental networks, also support the development of several fundamental life skills. We call these +7 skills. Here are some of the forms of VCoLing that foster their development.


  1. Awareness of self, others, and the environment
  2. Skills for making connections between ideas, information, emotions, perspectives, and evidence
  3. Skills for seeking and evaluating information, evidence, and perspectives
  4. Skills for applying what we know in real-world contexts
  5. Reflectivity—a cultivated habit of reflecting on outcomes, information, emotions, or events
  6. Skills for seeking and making use of feedback
  7. Awareness of cognitive and behavioral biases and skills for avoiding them

1—Self and other awareness

Awareness micro-VCoLing structured around practices that involve...

  • observing and documenting thoughts, feelings, or behavior
  • self-evaluation
  • practicing non-judgmental openness to experience
  • meditation
  • mindfulness in everyday life
  • somatic practices, like yoga
  • coherence practices, like HeartMath

2—Making connections

Connection micro-VCoLing structured around practices that involve...

  • brainstorming
  • Minto Pyramid problem solving
  • polarity thinking (or both / and thinking)
  • mind mapping
  • causal loop diagramming (or other systems mapping approaches)
  • building relational databases

3—Seeking and evaluating information

Seeking & evaluating micro-VCoLing structured around practices that involve...

  • active listening
  • deep listening (Kramer)
  • seeking clarification
  • “library” research
  • critical thinking
  • action inquiry (particularly second-person action inquiry)
  • the scientific method

4—Applying knowledge

Application micro-VCoLing structured around practices that involve…

  • action learning
  • project-based learning
  • developing action plans or development plans
  • rehearsing—reducing risk by trying out new knowledge in hypothetical situations
  • writing or critical discourse—using new knowledge to improve an argument or message


Reflectivity micro-VCoLing structured around practices that involve…

  • making sure that learning goals are “just right”
  • embedding learning in real life, as a part of everyday activities
  • not punishing learners for making mistakes—helping them see mistakes as a source of useful information
  • ensuring that every learning cycle, no matter how small, ends with goal setting

6—Seeking feedback

Feedback micro-VCoLing structured around practices that involve…

  • openness to feedback
  • awareness of your own defensiveness
  • feedback-seeking skills (like helping others feel comfortable providing you with feedback)
  • skills for evaluating and incorporating feedback
  • second-person action inquiry
  • participation in focus groups
  • customer or employee surveys

7—Coping with cognitive and behavioral biases

De-biasing micro-VCoLing structured around practices that involve…

  • cultivating humility—recognizing the ubiquity of human fallibility
  • building critical thinking skills
  • regularly seeking feedback
  • tackling common cognitive biases, one at a time (e.g., conservation bias, bandwagon effect, stereotyping, or attribution bias)

Micro-VCoLing optimizes mental development

Unlike conventional study skills—which are designed primarily to help students learn factual information well enough to pass academic tests—VCoLs build the knowledge, deep understanding, and skills we need to navigate the complexity and ambiguity of our lives.

More about Micro-VCoLing

Selected funders

IES (US Department of Education)

The Spencer Foundation


Dr. Sharon Solloway

The Simpson Foundation

The Leopold Foundation

Donor list

Selected clients

Glastonbury School District, CT

The Ross School

Rainbow Community School

The Study School

Long Trail School

The US Naval Academy

The City of Edmonton, Alberta

The US Federal Government

Advisory Board

Antonio Battro, MD, Ph.D., One Laptop Per Child

Marc Schwartz, Ph.D. and former high school teacher, University of Texas at Arlington

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Ed.D., University of Southern California

Willis Overton, Ph.D., Temple University, Emeritus