Featuring the mighty micro-VCoL™
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic crisis, we're open-sourcing our most effective stress- and crisis-management learning tools. We call these tools micro-VCoLs™. If you haven't yet met the mighty micro-VCoL, you might like to take a look at the following articles. But this isn't essential. All of the micro-VCoLs shared here can be practiced effectively just by following the instructions.
Please feel free to share this page. You're also welcome to share the micro-VCoLs themselves. All that we ask is that you credit their origin and don't charge for their use. If you have a special VCoL request, contact us.
One thing all micro-VCoLs have in common is that they're designed to be practiced again and again until they become habits of mind. Learning VCoLing skills is like learning to drive. At first, the activities of each step are likely to feel a bit weird or artificial. You'll have to think about each step, and completing a cycle will take a bit of time. However, if you practice religiously for a few days, you'll begin to find micro-VCoLing easy and even pleasurable—easy, because it becomes a habit of mind, pleasurable, because our brains reward us for learning the VCoL way—by releasing hormones that make us want more.
Listening, like thinking, learning, and self-control, tends to suffer in a crisis. Yet, listening is one of the greatest gifts we can offer to one another when stress becomes distress. By consciously practicing basic listening skills with VCoL, you can increase the quality of your listening—even in tough times. This micro-VCoL works best for adults and mature adolescents, but even children can benefit from observing good listening behavior, and some may try to join in. If your children want to participate, have them focus on one "paying attention" or "showing" behavior at a time. |
IES (US Department of Education)
The Spencer Foundation
Dr. Sharon Solloway
The Simpson Foundation
The Leopold Foundation
Glastonbury School District, CT
The Ross School
Rainbow Community School
The Study School
Long Trail School
The US Naval Academy
The City of Edmonton, Alberta
The US Federal Government
Antonio Battro, MD, Ph.D., One Laptop Per Child
Marc Schwartz, Ph.D. and former high school teacher, University of Texas at Arlington
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Ed.D., University of Southern California
Willis Overton, Ph.D., Temple University, Emeritus