
Recruitment will never be the same

Assessments of mental skill are the best single predictors of workplace performance. Unfortunately most so-called assessments of mental skill are archaic multiple-choice tests of general intelligence or aptitude with items like the one shown below. Such items clearly do not directly measure the skills most needed in the workplace—such as the ability to work closely with others or find solutions to thorny real-world workplace problems.

Lectica has taken a different approach. We're building on the predictive validity of mental ability assessment by delivering next-generation assessments that are directly focused on relevant real-world mental skills.

Mental skills and workplace success

Lectica's recruitment metrics target four important indicators of appropriate mental skill.

Mental complexity: Lectica measures the complexity level of test-taker responses with Lectical Assessments. When taking Lectical Assessments, test-takers write responses to a series of open-ended questions about relevant workplace case studies. Their responses are evaluated for complexity level with CLAS, Lectica's computerized developmental scoring system. Scores represent narrow ranges on a well-validated life-span developmental scale called the Lectical Scale.

Role fit: Role Fit is the relation between the complexity level of an individual’s responses to Lectical Assessments and the complexity level of a given role. Good Role Fit contributes to increased wellbeing, engagement, effectiveness, and productivity.

Logical Coherence and Clarity: In addition to determining the complexity level of responses to Lectical Assessments, Lectica's analysts either evaluate the degree to which responses are clear and logical (Logical Coherence) or conduct a more complex analysis that includes argumentation skills (Clarity). Good Logical Coherence or Clarity scores are important because employees with higher scores on these scales generally make better decisions and learn faster and better than individuals who receive lower scores.

VUCA and CAOS skills: VUCA & CAOS skills are the skills required for thinking and deciding in contested, volatile, uncertain, complex, or ambiguous contexts. Today, many workplace roles require skills for coping with VUCA conditions. To learn more about VUCA and CAOS skills, see the LRJA and LDMA pages

Lectica First

Lectica First replaces inferior and less predictive screening tools with measurements of complexity level, role fit and logical coherence. It reduces recruitment costs while measuring what matters most first.

Most organizations conduct some kind of pre-screening, such as resume scans, phone interviews, personality tests, or screening questionnaires. These processes are time-consuming, expensive, and have little, if any, predictive power. Lectica First replaces these processes with the best predictors of recruitment success, including mental complexity, role fit, and logical coherence. Lectica First ensures that every candidate who moves to the next step in your recruitment process has the mental capacity and required for the specific role you're trying to fill.

With Lectica First, you will find out—right at the beginning of the recruitment process—whether or not the mental skills of prospective employees are adequate to fulfill the complexity demands of a given role.

Essentials for recruitment

Essentials for recruitment (ESR) comprises three products that help organizations refine senior-level recruitment & promotion decisions. These include the Role Fit Assessment, the Team Fit Assessment, and the most comprehensive of our Lectical Assessment products—Essentials+ and Essentials++.

To learn more, check out the articles below or use the Lectica First and Essentials links to familiarize yourself with our recruitment products.

Selected funders

IES (US Department of Education)

The Spencer Foundation


Dr. Sharon Solloway

The Simpson Foundation

The Leopold Foundation

Donor list

Selected clients

Glastonbury School District, CT

The Ross School

Rainbow Community School

The Study School

Long Trail School

The US Naval Academy

The City of Edmonton, Alberta

The US Federal Government

Advisory Board

Antonio Battro, MD, Ph.D., One Laptop Per Child

Marc Schwartz, Ph.D. and former high school teacher, University of Texas at Arlington

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Ed.D., University of Southern California

Willis Overton, Ph.D., Temple University, Emeritus