ViP is a course for anyone who wants to optimize learning from everyday experience. It equips participants with a set of powerful skills that support optimal learning & development.
In ViP you'll build skills for learning the way human brains are designed to learn, using a method called micro-VCoLing. This way of learning is the most efficient way to build the skills and habits we all need to thrive in a complex and rapidly changing world.
MicroVCoLing helps people learn the way the brain is designed to learn—through embedded practice in real-life contexts. It also leverages the brain's built-in motivational system. In other words, it makes learning fun. Learning to micro-VCoL takes practice, which can seem arduous at times, but the reward is an engaged and constantly developing mind.
Most of the world's children attend schools that don't support optimal learning. Children learn "stuff" instead of building the fundamental skills they'll need to thrive in an uncertain future. Parents who learn how to micro-VCoL can help their children build micro-VCoLing skills at home.
Conventional educational approaches aren't adequately preparing students for effective participation in our rapidly changing and uncertain world. We need to focus less on helping students learn more correct answers and more on supporting optimal mental development. Micro-VCoLing skills are designed to support optimal development. Educators need these skills if they want to help students learn optimally.
Effective coaching often involves helping clients develop basic life skills like recognizing and regulating emotions, relating to others, problem-solving, or making more effective decisions. Most of these skills are best learned through Micro-VCoLing in real-world contexts—and coaches with micro-VCoLing skills are better equipped to support their development.
"Before ViP, I thought learning was a tedious necessity. Now I see it as a kind of pleasurable reflective awareness."
"I love the focus on everyday real-world experiences. It's so practical."
"I am in bliss with a new way to look at learning, and how to think differently. I swear I feel my mind reshaping itself."
"Once my VCoLing skills began to kick in, I found myself feeling more like someone who could happen to the world, rather than someone the world was happening to."
"Once you learn to micro-VCoL, learning becomes a kind of continuous pleasure. I wouldn't say it's euphoric, more of a feeling of satisfaction mixed with curiosity."
"MicroVCoLing is like a gateway drug. Once you get the hang of it, you just want more and more."
The skill map below portrays the skills required for masterful micro-VCoLing.
ViP is a minimally disruptive 6-week course that helps participants build a set of skills for micro-VCoLing. MicroVCoLing is a practice that makes it possible to learn optimally as you engage in everyday activities. In ViP, you will build basic Micro-VCoLing skills by engaging in a series of increasingly sophisticated in-the-moment" learning activities. You can learn more about micro-VCoLing by reading the article, VCoL in action: The many benefits of micro-VCoLing.
ViP participants will...
In week 1, you'll learn about the Virtuous Cycle of Learning, where it comes from, and how to put micro-VCoLs to work in daily practice.
During weeks 2–5, you will spend the time between meetings practicing specific micro-VCoLing skills. During meetings, ViP facilitators will host guided discussions focused on core VCoLing skills, including:
You'll learn the most basic micro-VCoLing skills by working with a set of specially designed Micro-VCoL Makers.
In the final meeting, participants will share—and get feedback on—their first attempts at skill mapping and celebrate their new VCoLing skills.
$799 per person ($749 early bird rate)
(Contact us to inquire about scholarships for K-12 educators.)
We will refund 85% of your payment on request before the registration deadline.
After the registration deadline, no refunds are available, but you will be given 2 years to complete your course by transferring to a later offering. When you transfer, you will be required to pay a processing fee equal to 15% of the course fee being charged at that time.
This is a practice-based course. It only works when every registrant participates fully. Before deciding to participate in ViP, ensure you have the time to do the work and are committed to full participation. This means attending every meeting and completing all pre-work, including daily micro-VCoLing practice. If you miss more than one meeting or appear to be neglecting your pre-work, we will ask you to take the course at another time.
We are planning two sessions of ViP for January 2025.
Meetings will be held weekly at 10:00 AM on Mondays and 5:00 PM on Wednesdays. (All dates are New York time.)
Registration closes on January 1, 2025, and the early bird rate ends on December 4, 2025.
If you're interested in participating or learning more, please fill out the following form:
Join our Email list to receive updates about ViP and other courses.
IES (US Department of Education)
The Spencer Foundation
Dr. Sharon Solloway
The Simpson Foundation
The Leopold Foundation
Glastonbury School District, CT
The Ross School
Rainbow Community School
The Study School
Long Trail School
The US Naval Academy
The City of Edmonton, Alberta
The US Federal Government
Antonio Battro, MD, Ph.D., One Laptop Per Child
Marc Schwartz, Ph.D. and former high school teacher, University of Texas at Arlington
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Ed.D., University of Southern California
Willis Overton, Ph.D., Temple University, Emeritus