MindLog™ is a celebration of the human mind. It's a learning tool like no other. On the surface, it's a simple journal-like learning and measurement system, but look under the surface and you will find a fully scalable and integrated approach to supporting the development of hopeful, competent, and caring humans with dynamic, agile, and adaptive minds.
On the surface is a repeating process in which learners reflect, educators read & comment, learners set goals, and MindLog produces a constantly evolving developmental curve. The deeper benefits for educators and learners emerge from repeated engagement in the process.
Although it wasn't part of our original plan, MindLog also detects and discourages AI and other forms of cheating.
Lectica First makes it affordable to screen any and all applicants for the fit between their mental skills and role or course requirements—prior to taking any other action.
We'd like to connect you with a Certified Consultant who will demonstrate what Lectica First can do for your recruitment system.
If you're interested in developing talent while creating a vibrant learning culture in which everyone learns optimally from everyday activities, Lectica Inside is for you.
See the Lectica Inside page for details.
We want to show everyone how to learn better, faster, and more enjoyably. So, we created ViP, a powerful little course that will change your life by transforming the way you learn. If you are 16 years or older, ViP is for you.
The team at Lectica has produced the best practical application of developmental theory since Piaget came on the scene in the 1930s.
Not only is DiscoTest a remarkable achievement in its own right, but Dr. Dawson and her team have what it takes to make it a reality.
Lectica's work represents a much-needed complete rethinking of what it means to do educational assessment.
Lectical Assessments measure the kind of deep, meaningful learning that prepares students for a lifetime of growth and accomplishment.
Amazing work you do—thank you so much on behalf of humankind!
I didn’t start enjoying learning as an adult until I took the LDMA.
IES (US Department of Education)
The Spencer Foundation
Dr. Sharon Solloway
The Simpson Foundation
The Leopold Foundation
Glastonbury School District, CT
The Ross School
Rainbow Community School
The Study School
Long Trail School
The US Naval Academy
The City of Edmonton, Alberta
The US Federal Government
Antonio Battro, MD, Ph.D., One Laptop Per Child
Marc Schwartz, Ph.D. and former high school teacher, University of Texas at Arlington
Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Ed.D., University of Southern California
Willis Overton, Ph.D., Temple University, Emeritus